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My name is Jeannie Moss and I’m running for City Council.

Monday, April 13, 2015 - by Jeannie Moss

My name is Jeannie Moss and I’m running for City Council.


My husband, Jeff, and I live on College Avenue. He has a welding shop here in Coleman and we are partners in a local fish farm:  we grow and provide fish for local ponds and lakes.  We have two children and six grandchildren. 


For eleven years, I was a real estate appraiser here in Coleman and the surrounding counties. At one time, I worked at the Better Business Bureau in Abilene and for the construction company that built what is now the Bank of America Tower in Abilene.


My family has lived in this county since 1906 after traveling from Tennessee in a covered wagon.  I have seen this town thrive, decline and change yet stay much the same. I have been interested in the welfare of this city my entire life. It is home.  And that’s why I’m running for city council, because I want my home to be the best it can be.


I want all of us to be able to pay our electric bills and not go broke doing it.  I do not want our town to be notorious for having the highest electric rate in the great state of Texas.   I want to know that Coleman’s city government is not sitting on its hands, waiting for the current electric contract to expire before it starts figuring out what comes next.  I want to make sure the city council is planning, laying groundwork, working for and listening to its citizens about the future supply of electricity.  And I want to be certain that decisions the council makes regarding our water are made with the input of knowledgeable and experienced citizens, not only paid consultants.  In other words, I want to make sure the council hears your opinions and concerns. 


I’m no stranger to the workings of city government.  Not only have I gone to city council meetings in the past, I served on the committee that re-wrote Coleman’s City Charter in 2002; so I know how city government works.  I’ve listened in council meetings while the opinions of residents and my own opinions have fallen on deaf ears, but outside interests have been heard.  I want to do what I can to make sure that doesn’t happen in the future, that all citizens have a chance to help make our town be all that it can be:  a wonderful place to live, work, prosper and raise healthy children and grandchildren. 


I hope you will cast your vote for me in the upcoming election:  I want to be your voice on the city council. 

Political advertisement paid for by Jeannie Moss

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