Coleman Connected

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Friday, May 8, 2015 - by Jo Ann Eddleman

I am posting the email I sent to Mr. Catoe with copies to council and the new webmaster/Municipal Judge, FYI.

Congrats on preparation of a new web site. I assume it is still under construction as much of the information available on other city web sites and on our old web site is not yet available on this new site. In particular, I was very disappointed to see that the Minutes have been removed. I feel that posted Minutes are critical to providing readily accessible information to citizens, and it is definitely an easy step toward the city showing a willingness to provide transparency in government.

As everyone knows, transparency in government is an issue around here as it should be, and a web site with as much public information as possible is a great tool for providing transparency. In addition to Minutes, many cities post check registers, monthly cash reports, audits, etc. Coleman seems to bend over backward to keep as much information as possible difficult to access. (Please see for what other cities see fit to share online. I could list many city web sites as well.)

I wanted to access the city's web site for the record in Minutes I mentioned at last night's city council meeting and found that I would have to go to the City Secretary's office. That visit would require that I search through the Minutes by hand not knowing f...

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