Coleman Connected

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City Management (City Hall) : Agenda, CC, February 16, 2023
Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:42:28 +0000
Economic Development Boards : Agenda, 4-A and 4-B Meeting, February 9, 2023
Wed, 08 Feb 2023 08:31:39 +0000
Miscellaneous : Empathic Communication
Sat, 28 Jan 2023 05:20:35 +0000
City Management (City Hall) : Agenda, CC, January 19, 2023
Thu, 19 Jan 2023 08:12:11 +0000
Economic Development Boards : Agenda, 4-A and 4-B Meeting, January 13, 2023 2022
Tue, 10 Jan 2023 19:28:01 +0000
City Management (City Hall) : Agenda, CC, January 5, 2023
Tue, 03 Jan 2023 12:48:05 +0000
City Management (City Hall) : Agenda, CC, December 15, 2022
Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:13:21 +0000
Agendas for board meetings : Agenda, P&Z, December 13, 2022
Mon, 12 Dec 2022 11:33:25 +0000

Plants and Gardens.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - Posted by Craig, in General News., Events and announcements


Plants and gardens for sale.
All day, everyday, come when you can.
3.8 miles west on Hwy 153

Just wanted to let everyone know that if you need plants (even if your budget says no), we have some available at what we believe are very fair prices, donations are accepted. 

Zucchini, Cantaloupe, Okra, Tomato, Cucumber, Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower etc...

Prices start at $1 for 2" x 2" planters, $4.00 for one gallon pots, larger pots are a bit more.  Ready to go tote gardens start at $20.00

We are adding to the selection every morning.  It is a pretty humble operation, but we pray it might be a blessing to others as much as it is a pleasure to offer them.   We expect to be adding veggies next month.

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Monday, February 3, 2020 Here has been created to gather, index, and highlight at least a small portion of the truly overwhelming evidence which clearly supports that there is and was a creator.

Our goal is to re-post and/or create videos that are 30 minutes or less in length; yet, offer factual and authoritative discussions and evidence to aid those who are seeking the truth; however, have been dismayed by the voluminous amount of content. Perhaps here is at least a place to start.

Our 2nd video attempts to answer one of the most frequently asked questions posed by both people of faith and not;

"If There Is A God Why Is There [so much] Evil In The World?"

Working to answer this question, (in 30 minutes or less), this video features a compilation of several videos, which you can watch at full length, links are provided under the you tube video.

Visit us at:

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Ice storm on the Ranch. Coleman, Texas 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2018 - Posted by Craig, in General News., City news, Coleman scenery & photos, Videos, Weather

January of 2007 brought to Coleman, Texas the perfect set of super cold lower air and heavy rain. Ice formed instantly as it hit the surface.

Every twig grew 5 times its size with ice.

What is left of a yucca tree.

The infamous prickly pear.

Coleman, Texas is a quiet little town (5,000) located about 150 miles south west of Forth Worth and 55 miles south east of Abilene. Any further west and the world of green fades to brown as every living thing struggles for a drop of water. Coleman is wonderfully green in the spring and fall with weather that changes daily making it nearly impossible to know what to wear and when to plan, but we love it and call it home.

Wildlife is as diverse as the weather. If your driving through Texas on your way to get away from it all, stop on by, you will be pleasantly surprised!

I'll post some pictures of the quaint downtown as soon as I can get a chance.

Many blessings.


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City Wide Clean Up

Monday, April 10, 2017 - Posted by Coleman Connected, in General News., Events and announcements, City news

Let's keep Coleman Beautiful.
City Wide Cleanup: May 6-13
Contact the Chamber at:  625-2163 for more information.

City wide Cleanup Planned for City of Coleman

A clean up campaign has been planned for Coleman beginning May 6-13. This project is
a result of planning by the community pride committee of Vision Coleman. A grant in
the amount of $9,975 from 4-B is seeding funding for the effort. Additional grants are
being pursued at this time. Costs for disposal are expected to reach some $25,000.

The Coleman City Council voted 4-0 to back the effort by waiving fees at the
convenience center for the duration of the week of the event. Liz Campbell, City Utilities
Director has arranged for placement of 3 additional dumpsters at the Convenience center
and 4 others at a central location in the city. Dennis Stroebel owner of The Shopping
Basket has volunteered use of vacant property located on East Walnut for placement of
the 4 Dumpsters. Jody Payne, Street Supervisor for the city is directing efforts on street
sweeping, brush chipping and convenience center operations for the event. David
Martinez, Fire Chief of the City is at work Identifying debris and structures that could
threaten public safety, and Connie Echols as Code Enforcement officer is notifying
property owners who are in violation of City Code. City Manager Paul Catoe will serve
as overseer of all city government efforts as well as compliance with existing statues.
Mary Griffth, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, has volunteered to serve as a
call center for elderly or disabled persons who need assistance in cleaning their property,
or who have brush that needs to be chipped.

The telephone number for The Chamber is 625-2163. Volunteers are being sought to assist those in need and can call this number to have their name placed on the list of helpers in the project. Church Groups and Civic
Clubs are encouraged to be involved.

It should be noted that the dumpsters and use of city facilities and services are by law
limited to use by residents of the City of Coleman. It should be noted that tires, batteries,
paint, oil, chemicals, rocks, and appliances are not allowed in the dumpsters.
Negotiations are underway with recycling companies to dispose of these items and
announcements of central disposal locations for them in the next week.
Residents of the city are encouraged to remove unsightly items from their properties
during the cleanup as well as mowing tall grass and weeds from their area.

It is the goal of this effort to improve the appearance of the city.

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Downdown with Pearl and the Polka Dots

Sunday, March 26, 2017 - Posted by Bernadette

Kind of a Big Deal in Downtown Coleman brought Pearl & the Polka Dots to entertain us with bluegrass music in downtown Coleman on Saturday March 25th.  Pearl & the Polka Dots were witty, fun and had beautiful harmonies.  The weather cooperated perfectly and the crowd was smiling and tapping their toes.   

The Aaron Watson signed guitar was won by Charlotte Fenton of Coleman County, Congratulations Charlotte!  Thank you to the downtown business that brought this great show to Coleman!

Jenna and June are hoping to be the proud owners of the Aaron Watson guitar.
Thanks Nancy!
7 / 8
Downtown Coleman was the place to be 3/25/17
These ladies are just pure fun.
June is looking picture perfect with her pint sized guitar.
Eric and Kay still have it.
More than 125 people counted at this one moment.
Jenna and June are hoping to be the proud owners of the Aaron Watson guitar.
Thanks Nancy!
Thanks for the great show!
Thanks Nancy!

Click on a picture above to change frames.  Click on the two squares on the upper right to show full screen.

Bernadette Allen

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Big Deal downtown Coleman.

Saturday, March 11, 2017 - Posted by Craig, in General News., Events and announcements, City news

Have you noticed, Coleman is growing downtown and it is truly a big deal.  If you haven't strolled along the streets lately, this is the perfect time to come join the fun and see what's new and support Coleman!


Saturday, March 25th, promises to be one of those weekends you really just don't want to miss.  There's going to be lots to do and of course a chance to win the Aaron Watson guitar is really just icing on the cake.

See you there!
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Coffey Anderson in Coleman Texas 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016 - Posted by Craig Allen, in General News., City news, Coleman scenery & photos, Videos

Coleman was treated to a wealth of entertainment this last Saturday, October 22, 2016 as the annual Prickly Pear Festival came to life.

With some of the finest food and wine paired together anywhere, locals and visitors alike were treated to an amazing line up of musical talent. One of the artists; Coffey Anderson, stole the show for many as he is indeed the small town boy who made it big.

Coffey is a local, raised only a few miles east of Coleman in Bangs Texas and a graduate of Howard Payne university in Brownwood, Texas with a ministry degree. Coffey has not forgotten his roots.

Many there were inspired to find out that Coffey and his band have raised over $300,000 to refurbish and give, mortgage free housing to our vets in need. In doing this, he inspired other bands and record labels to get on board, resulting in more than 200 houses in total being built or refurbished for our wounded veterans.

Coffey, with a deep passion to create a bridge in racial and social differences made internet history by creating the first video on Facebook to have more than 30,000,000 (million) views.  This video has now been duplicated multiple times being both praised and criticized. Having this large internet audience, Coffey was invited to speak with President Obama at the POTUS town hall meeting filmed by ABC. 

Coleman is certainly honored to have been a part of Coffey's early environment where he participated in many small town youth activities that brought him to Coleman. Coffey's spiritual foundation is seen clearly now in his life as an entertainer as well as an inspirational speaker. Small town pride and small town values cannot be duplicated, depreciated or ignored! is proud to post this video that features a few minutes of music, a great ensemble of Sweet Home Alabama Texas, finishing up with few words from Coffey directly to Coleman and youth everywhere on his thoughts about  coming from a small town.

Click here to view the video in the forum.



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Video Interview with Calina Mishay Johnson

Saturday, October 22, 2016 - Posted by Craig Allen, in General News., Coleman scenery & photos, Videos

We had a chance to talk with Calina Mishay Johnson, the artist who is doing the mural downtown on College. As promised, she has returned today during the Prickly Pear Festival to add the finishing touches and it is simply vibrant.
It is easy to argue that this work of art adds much life to College street, yet even more, it will surely delight visitors and locals for years to come. Thank you Calina and to all who have contributed! Click read more to view the video.

Click Video Interview with Calina Mishay Johnson to read the post.
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Good news, your electrical rate has not gone up!

Friday, October 21, 2016 - Posted by Craig Allen, in General News., City news, Videos

The City council meeting this last Thursday covered an array of hot button topics which most all citizens would surely like to to see some resolution and action.

Included in the evening's discussions was a "Presentation" by Mr. Jackie Hammonds, who was a former city employee for nearly 30 years. Mr. Hammonds spoke for several minutes with most of his oratory concentrating on the condition of the streets. Coleman Connected will be releasing another video that covers the "streets" portion, as Mr. Hammonds does make some very interesting points. The video below; however, is possibly more dear to many, as it centers around the utility rates here in Coleman and the fact, according to Mr. Catoe, that to the best of his knowledge, the only utility rate that has gone up since he has been city manager, is ..

Click Good news, your electrical rate has not gone up! to read the post.
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Monday, October 17, 2016 - Posted by Joanne Eddleman, in General News., City news

-- the keyword is “elected.”

“The use of the sales tax for economic development purposes has been one of the most popular and effective tools used by cities to promote economic development. Since the authorization for the local option tax took effect in 1989, more than 586 cities have levied an economic development sales tax.

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